

Shodo Online Lesson 7, “dot stroke” - Shodo with a Brush Pen

First, download and print a practice sheet here.

Today's stroke is "点 ten", meaning "dot".

Although the stroke is "dot", there are several variations of them.
In this lesson, I'll explain the four typical ways of drawing "dot".

Type A

When you draw the "dot" stroke, the main point you should keep in mind is to move the brush a little after putting it on the paper.
For type A, put the brush on the paper and move it downwards, while decreasing pressure.

Type B

For type B, have the brush trail off of the end of stroke.
This technique is called "はね hane", or "hook".
I'll explain it the other article someday.

Type C

For type C, draw a shape similar to a triangle as pictured above.
Move it to ①, while increasing pressure.
Keep the pressure the same, and move to ②.
Finally, move it upwards to the starting point, while decreasing the pressure.

Type D

For type D, put the brush at an angle of 45° and sweep it to the lower-left.

Now let's practice the following characters!

Stroke order
1. Horizontal stroke
2. Left sweep.
3. Right sweep.
4. Dot type A

On-yomiけん ken
Kun-yomiいぬ inu

Stroke order
1. Dot type B
2. Dot type D
3. Left sweep
4. Right sweep

On-yomiか ka
Kun-yomiひ hi

stroke order
1. Dot type C
2. Curve
3. Dot type B
4. Dot type A

On-yomiしん shin
Kun-yomiこころ kokoro

How was this lesson?
All the contents that I introduced today are on the practice sheet.
Please download it from here.