First, download and print a practice sheet here.
Sun and Moon
Today you are going to learn two kanji, 日 (hi) and 月 (tsuki), or sun and moon.日(hi) originally represents the shape of the Sun.

月(tsuki) also stand for the shape of the crescent moon.

Now let's check how to draw them.
日 hi

stroke order
1. Vertical stroke
2. Continued lineand hook
3. Horizontal stroke
4. Horizontal stroke
On-yomi | にち nichi |
Kun-yomi | ひ hi |
Meaning | the sun |
Draw this kanji's length slightly longer than its width.
Look at the bottom right part, stop the last stroke before it goes through the vertical line.

I drew 口(mouth) in this lesson, but for the kanji 口, the last stroke goes through the vertical line.

As seen above, there is a difference between the bottom right part of 日 and 口, so please be careful.
月 tsuki

stroke order
1. Vertical stroke
2. Continued line and hook
3. Horizontal stroke
4. Horizontal stroke
On-yomi | げつ getsu |
Kun-yomi | つき tsuki |
Meaning | moon |
Draw this kanji vertically-long as well.
Consider the two vertical lines as human legs.
People look good if their legs are long, right?
For the same reason, draw the 月's legs long to make it look nice.

Now let's practice the combinations of kanji.
月日 tsukihi

yomi | つきひ tsukihi |
Meaning | days |
休日 kyujitsu

yomi | きゅうじつ kyujitsu |
Meaning | a holiday, a day off |
月光 gekkou

yomi | げっこう gekkou |
Meaning | moonlight |
How was this lesson?
All the contents that I introduced today are on the practice sheet.
Please download it from here.

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