Shodo Lesson2
Now you are going to write 十(ten)!You can learn how to draw horizontal strokes through this lesson.
Point 1
First, please draw a vertical stroke.

Point 2
When you write vertical strokes, the start of the stroke (起筆 kihitsu) should be more at an angle than horizontal strokes. About 30° is appropriate.
Point 3
Move the brush down slowly. For vertical strokes,
you don’t have to make the latter half thicker.
However, make sure vertical strokes are thicker than horizontal strokes.
Point 4
Depending on kanji, there are three ways to end the strokes. They are Stop(止め tome), Sweep(払い harai) and Hook(はね hane).
You are going to use Sweep(払い harai) for this kanji.
When you move the brush to where you want to stop, lift the brush up slowly and move it down to make the line sharp.