Shodo Lesson3!
Are you getting used to Shodo?Next kanji is 木(tree)!
This lesson’s point is Left Sweep(左払い hidariharai) and Right Sweep(右払い migiharai).
Point 1
In the previous lesson, you have already learned how to write vertical strokes and horizontal strokes.
However be careful.
As I said, there are three ways of ending vertical strokes, which are Stop(止め), Sweep(払い harai) and Hook(はね hane).
You have to use Stop(止め tome), in the same you ended the horizontal stroke.

Point 2
When you draw a Left Sweep(左払い hidariharai), move the brush slowly along the red line without stopping.
At the end of the line, reduce the pressure and lift the brush off the paper.
This creates a pointed end.
Point 3
The Right Sweep(右払い migiharai) is the most difficult technique in the lesson.
Put the brush tip on the paper(A), move the brush slowly adding pressure, and stop at B temporarily.
Point 4
“Push” the brush to the right to arrange the shape of the line.